Ballroom dancing

Our online courses
It's that easy!

Dance classes
via ZOOM

Get your dance teacher in the living room!

Our flexible course system also takes place online via ZOOM.

That's how it's done:

1) In calendar choose the right course

2) Buy a stripe ticket right here and in the field Message to KULT: enter the appropriate course

3) On the course LIVE via ZOOM take part

Streifenkarte als Paar kaufen

Who has a dance teacher at home?

It's good that our videos are out!

If you want to practice figures or just want to look something up, this is the right place for you.

Choose a dance course, tidy up the room and start dancing!

Order tutorial

1. Entry around the clock
Whether as a beginner or advanced - you can start at any level at any time.

2. Don't miss out on courses
Missed an hour?
Then she will catch up here.

3. Your own learning pace
Individual course steps can be viewed and repeated several times.

4. From the comfort of your home
No matter what city - just a minute's walk from the refrigerator.

1. Become a customer
a) Press the purple button
b) Select a single lesson for € 20
c) Enter contact details
d) Pay by Sepa mandate
2. Order a course
a) Open the confirmation email
b) Copy membership number
c) Fill out the order form below
d) Submit order
Stripe tickets
Do you already have stripe tickets?
Then just enter a membership number for both of you. We do not charge you full stripes for this, but deduct € 20 from your joint credit.
Members & dance groups
Level 1-7
As a member, you can simply fill out the order form or send us an email with several courses listed.
Level 8-9
Here you get online access to all dance group lessons offered in the last 2 weeks.


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