Seniors afternoon

Practice lessons for senior couples

Wednesdays 1.30pm-3.30pm
Price: € 4.50
Pre-registration required
Since we still cannot offer dance tea, we would like to offer you the opportunity to practice what you have already learned and to be able to ask questions to a dance teacher.

1) Make a binding registration here via the homepage
2) Wear the masks for coming, going and every visit to the toilet
3) We cannot offer coffee and cake
4) The minimum distance must always be kept to other couples and the staff


Dancing is health care
There is no more effective way to counteract dementia than dancing! When dancing, you subconsciously train both halves of your brain, the logically thinking and the creative one. Learning to follow steps and figures in a rhythmic context trains the memory intensively. So dancing is brain jogging, a barrier against the great oblivion.

Studies prove the success
Since 2008, the Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) has been investigating the positive effects of dancing on the aging process of people (here in particular the approach followed in Club Agilando). The results are consistently positive.
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